Serum Tears for Dry Eye

Posted On: 2021-12-14 | OD education

Older woman's eye closeup with liquid eyedrops being applied

Now Available at Fraser Eye Care for Just $45
Fraser Eye Care Center is excited to offer autologous serum tears for patients struggling with moderate to severe dry eye. We know that dry eye disease can be complex and many patients suffer with frustrating dry eye symptoms. Now you can offer your dry eye patients an effective, customized, and affordable solution. Many eye care practices outsource the production of serum tears, requiring patients to make separate visits to a pharmacy or other location for blood draws. We are proud to produce serum tears in-house, which allows us to control the quality, safety, and pricing, as well as simplify the process for patients.

Advantages of Serum Tears

Serum tears are made with a patient’s own purified and micro-filtered blood in order to mimic the body’s own natural healing and lubrication. Serum tears are preservative free and customized for each patient. According to the American Academy of Ophthalmology, a recent report of clinical studies shows that serum tears have been proven safe and effective for many patients, including those with severe dry eye disease and epithelial defects.

Facts About Serum Tears at Fraser Eye Care

Some facts about this effective, customized, and affordable dry eye solution:

  • Available at any Fraser Eye location.
  • Patients who are referred by their eye doctors do not need an appointment.
  • The process to receive serum tears involves a simple blood draw in a 15 to 30 minute process.
  • We then use a quality-controlled process to remove the red blood cells and clotting factors, leaving the blood serum which is rich in antioxidants, lipids, and epithelial growth factors.
  • Serum tears are a 50/50 diluted mix of the patient’s own blood serum and sterile, preservative-free solution.
  • Current pricing is $45 per 15cc bottle.
  • Once produced they can be used 2 to 6 times per day and are effective for up to 2 months.
  • Patients receive 2 bottles at a time and the one not being used should be frozen.

Help Your Patients Get Relief From Dry Eye Symptoms

Serum tears offer benefits over traditional eye drops and may provide relief for patients whose symptoms have not responded to other treatments. The team at Fraser Eye is committed to providing high quality care for patients of referring optometrists. Contact Us or with any questions or to refer your dry eye patients today.