BOTOX®in Detroit, Michigan

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BOTOX® Cosmetic is the gold standard in effective and minimally invasive anti-aging procedures. If you are looking for a way to prevent or correct fine lines and wrinkles and rejuvenate your look without surgery, BOTOX® may be right for you. When you visit Theia Aesthetics at Fraser Eye Care in the Metro Detroit region of Michigan, you’ll receive custom-tailored treatment with natural-looking results. Our aesthetics experts provide high-quality BOTOX® injections as well as a variety of cosmetic facial procedures.

How Does BOTOX® Work?

BOTOX® is made of botulinum toxin, which is a purified protein that prevents muscle contraction. When a small amount is injected into a targeted area, it can relax the muscles that are responsible for creating wrinkles through repeated movements. BOTOX® is FDA-approved to treat wrinkles such as “11” lines between the eyebrows, crow’s feet, and frown lines on the forehead. In addition to softening existing wrinkles, BOTOX® can be used preventatively by people in their 20’s and 30’s to delay signs of aging.

BOTOX® Alternatives

While BOTOX is the most well-known, there are several other injectable wrinkle reducers that can smooth away wrinkles and give you a fresh-faced look. Each of these injectables has a similar treatment process to BOTOX:

  • DYSPORT® Dysport is very similar to BOTOX. Both of these anti-aging formulas use botulinum toxin to relax facial muscles in order to prevent wrinkles. Dysport is FDA-approved to reduce wrinkles between the eyebrows, which are called glabellar lines.
  • JEUVEAU® The main difference between BOTOX and this wrinkle reducer is that JEUVEAU uses a neurotoxin called prabotulinumtoxinA in its wrinkle reducing formula.
  • XEOMIN® This new BOTOX alternative uses botulinum toxin type A, the same active ingredient as BOTOX. However, its highly purified formula contains only botulinum toxin type A, without the additional proteins present in BOTOX.

What to Expect From BOTOX®

Preparing for BOTOX®

Since BOTOX® is minimally invasive and non-surgical, minimal preparation is needed. We advise that you avoid alcohol, ibuprofen, and aspirin the day before your injection, as this can reduce your chances of bruising after treatment.1 You can schedule a consultation appointment before your BOTOX® appointment if you would like to discuss your treatment plan and options

Your BOTOX® Injections

BOTOX® is a quick, in-office procedure. A numbing cream may be applied to prevent any discomfort, then your provider will carefully inject the BOTOX® into the target area with a very fine needle. dle.

BOTOX® Recovery

There is no downtime needed after BOTOX®. You can get back to your regular activities right away, but you should avoid strenuous exercise for a few hours after treatment. You may experience some mild swelling or redness, which should resolve quickly.

BOTOX® Results

After your BOTOX® treatment, you can expect to look like a more refreshed and youthful version of yourself. BOTOX® results are semi-permanent and last up to 6 months.2

Contact Us For BOTOX® in Detroit, Michigan

The team at Theia Aesthetics is dedicated to helping you look and feel your best. If you are interested in BOTOX® or other aesthetic treatments, please contact us today.

Frequently Asked Questions About BOTOX®


How much does BOTOX® cost?

Each BOTOX® treatment at Theia Aesthetics is customized to meet your aesthetic goals. The price of your treatment will depend on how many units of BOTOX® are used.

Am I a good candidate for BOTOX®?

Adults who are concerned with fine lines or wrinkles in their forehead or around the eyes may be candidates for BOTOX®. People who are pregnant or nursing, and those with a history of neuromuscular diseases should not get BOTOX®.

Will I look natural after BOTOX®?

Some people worry that they will look “frozen” or “plastic” after BOTOX®, but unnatural-looking BOTOX® results are usually due to inexperienced or unskilled providers. When injections are administered by an expert, such as the specialty trained providers at Theia Aesthetics, you can expect to look naturally rejuvenated.

Can BOTOX® be used for medical treatment?

Yes, in addition to aesthetic uses, BOTOX® has several medical purposes. Doctors may recommend BOTOX® as a treatment for blepharospasm (eyelid twitching) or facial spasms.

1 Cleveland Clinic. Botulinum Toxin Injections: Procedure Details. Available: Accessed March 24, 2024.
2 American Academy of Ophthalmology. How Does Botulinum Toxin (Botox) Work? Available: Accessed March 22, 2021.

The Fraser Eye Care Center Doctors have either authored or reviewed and approved this content.

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