Busy Office

6 Ways Your Physical Health Can Influence Your Career Prospects

Posted On: 2022-02-08 | Eye Care

A healthy professional life is incredibly important. There are countless factors that can play into whether you find yourself thriving or struggling to stay afloat in your career. An immensely important one of these factors is your physical health. Not only can health issues and chronic illness negatively impact your ability to work, but also…

Work Life Balance

The Connection Between Work-Life Balance and Aging

Posted On: 2022-02-02 | Eye Care

Stress is a natural part of life, but prolonged exposure to stressful environments and events may even accelerate the aging process. The main stress hormone — cortisol — mainly does this by decreasing the amount of protective casing around your DNA. According to a 2021 Gallup poll, U.S. employees are among the most stressed in…

Remote working man speaking during a zoom call

8 Unexpected Ways That Remote Work Is Affecting Our Health

Posted On: 2022-02-02 | Eye Care

A Bloomberg report suggests that up to 40.7 million Americans may be working remotely by 2026. Bearing this in mind, professionals in the workforce need to prepare for the possibility that they may hold a remote position in the near future. While the benefits of remote work are well-known, it is also important to understand…

Older woman's eye closeup with liquid eyedrops being applied

Serum Tears for Dry Eye

Posted On: 2021-12-14 | OD education

Now Available at Fraser Eye Care for Just $45 Fraser Eye Care Center is excited to offer autologous serum tears for patients struggling with moderate to severe dry eye. We know that dry eye disease can be complex and many patients suffer with frustrating dry eye symptoms. Now you can offer your dry eye patients…

Patient Vision Check Aspect Ratio 560 360

7 Vision-Enhancing Technologies You Should Know About

Posted On: 2021-06-11 | Eye Treatment

Vision-enhancing technology isn’t only for individuals facing disease, eye conditions, or other eye performance difficulties. Today, safe options for vision-enhancing technology mean safe, effective vision improvements without compromising overall health. Consider the following areas for even more information on some of the best that deserve your attention. 1. LASIK LASIK laser eye surgery can help…

Health Conditions Aspect Ratio 560 360

10 Health Conditions That Can Indirectly Impact Eye Health

Posted On: 2021-05-25 | Eye Care

Some medical conditions, though not directly related to your eyes, can have lasting effects on your eyesight and may cause serious eye problems if not treated. Regardless of whether the health condition is genetic or environmental, your body can recover faster and stay healthier with routine eye exams, a healthy diet, and regular exercise. 1….

Eye Hazards Aspect Ratio 560 360

Occupational Eye Hazards: A Guide to Protecting Your Eyes in High-Risk Industries

Posted On: 2021-05-25 | Eye Care

According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), about 2,000 workers sustain a job-related eye injury every day that requires medical attention. While you might automatically conclude that most of these eye injuries occur in high-risk scenarios, the reality is that a significant number also take place in the office. The bottom line is that…

Foggy Glasses Blog Aspect Ratio 560 360

How to Keep Glasses from Fogging up While at Work

Posted On: 2021-05-24 | Eye Care

Over 182 million people in America and over 4 billion worldwide use some form of vision correction, whether it’s glasses, contacts, or a combination of both. While having your glasses fog up occasionally is annoying, this issue has become a more prevalent problem recently. Wearing masks, while necessary for public health, has made it almost…

Heatlhy Eyes Blog Aspect Ratio 560 360

Can Diet and Exercise Keep Your Eyes Healthy?

Posted On: 2021-05-24 | Eye Care

According to the National Eye Institute, staying active can help keep your eyes healthy. A poor diet and a lack of exercise can contribute to poor eyesight and certain diseases like glaucoma, cataracts, or age-related macular degeneration. Studies have shown that there are links between certain foods and exercises and good eyesight. Foods that contain…

Vivor featured image

Vivior Monitor at Fraser Eye

Posted On: 2020-09-14 | OD education

The team at Fraser Eye is dedicated to advanced eye care, which includes bringing the latest vision care technologies to patients in the Detroit area. We are pleased to announce our newest diagnostic device: the Vivior Monitor, a new tool that aims to improve how to set eyes for both Cataract and LASIK surgery in…